Have you heard different terms thrown around for “blue light” protection and wondered what the difference is between these terms? Have you wondered if blue light is even harmful to your eyes?
A lot of optical companies refer to the coating they use to protect against blue light with their own branded term. Here at Longe Optical, we utilize the ZEISS DuraVision BlueProtect on our opticals. This coating has been specifically developed for people who spend a lot of their time indoors and are exposed to blue-violet light from LED light bulbs, TVs, computers, and tablets. For example, if you work at a computer for long periods of time your eyes would definitely benefit from this product.
We can also add an anti-reflective layer on the back of the lens to reduce the indirect light reflected into the eye. This allows our technology to block UV rays coming into the eye from all directions.
All digital devices emit blue light, a low wavelength, light energy light that can potentially damage your eyes over a long period of time. Although there is an element of blue light that we’re exposed to on a regular basis, for example from the sun, the concern with digital devices comes from their close proximity to users and the amount of time they’re used. Although not all blue light is bad, overexposure can lead to things like digital eye strain and retinal cell damage that can increase your risk for issues like macular degeneration. It’s important to know what blue light protection you are purchasing because not all blue light protection is the same. If your glasses aren’t protecting against the right kind of blue light or if they have a cheap coating, they won’t effectively protect your eyes.
Make sure to check out Longe Optical’s unique ZEISS DuraVision BlueProtect lens coating! Adding this feature to your lenses can ensure you have comfortable vision, even when there is a high level of blue light present. This BlueProtect filter reduces portions of the blue light spectrum from reaching your eyes, and many eyeglass wearers with the BlueProtect report greater visual comfort thanks to this coating.